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Witcher 3 logitech keypad layout

With the Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine expansion packs, it’s closer to 300 hours than it is to 200. The Witcher 3 is a good 200-hour experience if you choose to do all the side objectives and quests, and that is without the expansion packs. Instead of making some horrible side quests to fill the ”hours to complete” bar, they chose to put all their focus on creating one incredible story, as proven by both The Last Of Us and the Uncharted series. However, it is not the only way to make games, as proven by the two most dedicated gaming developers on the market. Which in turn gave us Assassin’s Creed: Unity. But once the franchise became a huge hit, Ubisoft decided to convert it into a literal cash cow. Just look at games like Assassin’s Creed, it is clear that the developers initially had a LOT of love for their game, Assassin’s Creed 2 and Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood prove this. However, it never pays off if you look at the actual games. It is an extremely efficient way of making games, at least if you count money as the most important factor. Just look at Dragon Age: Inquisition, Far Cry 4, Mass Effect: Andromeda and many more. This is the way most games are designed nowadays, especially open-world games. Purely put in the game for the sake of prolonging the lifespan of the game with minimum effort.

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Most gaming developers follow the same recipe: make a semi-engaging main storyline to keep people interested, and then fill the world with generic, repetitive and soulless side quests and objectives (yes, I’m looking at you, Ubisoft and Bioware). This is a testament to CD Projekt Red’s integral attention to detail and proves that they do not mind putting a lot of extra hours into development if it improves the game even a tiny bit. Geralt’s beard even grows with time and need to be cut at a barber shop if you don’t want it to be too long. These are all things you will find in the open world of The Witcher 3, and they have been implemented for no other reason than to create an immersive gaming experience. Children playing in the streets, couples arguing, women gossiping and drunks insulting each other. Every location, every city, and every village feel like a living and breathing community that would go on living even if you stopped playing. Most developers won’t bother making non-important NPC’s interesting, but CD Projekt Red are not most game developers. No other game in recent memory has managed to create such a vibrant and living world. 5 Reasons You NEED to Play The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt We could easily have mentioned 5 or 10 additional points, but we feel that these 5 are the most important to the discussion.

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In this article we will go over 5 things that made The Witcher 3: Wild hunt stand out from the crowd. There are countless reasons for its worldwide success and general appeal. I think we can all agree that the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is one of the best RPG’s ever made, maybe even the best of all time. These are the 5 things that we think they did better than everyone else. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is without a doubt one of the best games of all time.

Witcher 3 logitech keypad layout